Bedroom Wall 

It’s the funkiest little house I’ve ever lived in before. It’s not exactly an apartment, but it may as well be. It looks like one of those neat New York apartments….quaint. Me and Jon have slowly been “renovating”. We don’t own the house, just rent it – but Jon has been here 7 years and I moved in with him for just over 2 years. Our landlord is so awesome, he let’s us do ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING! Which is just so awesome. Paint the walls, change stuff, you name it we are allowed to do it. So slowly but surely we have transformed it into something really special. Currently we are working on the bedroom. I’ll have to give you a full house tour soon! Our landlord has a new girlfriend, their relationship is moving full-steam ahead, they have been together for about a year. They live in the house in front, we live in the back. I nicknamed her “puff the magic dragon” not to her face of course, she likes to have a drag or two on the old green stuff. She’s also got her eyes on this place. If we can hang on to it, it would be a friggin miracle.